Welcome to the Leadership & Management Development Programme

October 2024

This portal is where you'll find all the learning resources for the programme, including:

* Independent learning activities
* Slides
* Workbooks
* Additional learning resources

Critical skills for your workforce

Independent learning activities

Click on the titles below to access the resources. Activities will be loaded in stages, normally 1-2 days after a workshop and approximately two weeks before the next workshop.

Tick in a white circle

Leadership & management development programme

A 5-day blended learning programme for new and experienced managers.

Approved by The Institute of Leadership - achieve their 'Associate' grade and recognise your professional skills!

Sign up for updates about upcoming events.

People in an office talking

Maximising the potential of your people

Your team is your greatest asset – you employ them to do the best they can for you.

Equipped with the knowledge, and the right tools, your people can maximise the value they bring to your business.

Helping them to succeed means you both win – you get an engaged and motivated workforce who are equipped to deliver their best to your customers and to drive your vision.

Head shot of Gill Leece within a circular frame

About Gill

Gill is a Learning and Development Consultant and director of Learning Curve. She has decades of experience in learning and development in a corporate environment.

Schedule a clarity call

See how your business can benefit from maximising the potential of your workforce.

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