Bespoke learning

Using our framework, we can design a practical programme blending theory, practice and action to build skills and achieve better results.

Why go bespoke?

A bespoke programme will get the most out of your budget and ensure your people’s learning is aligned to your company values and directly supports the objectives and goals of your business.

Learning challenges

Relevant articles and activities ensure the learning continues after the workshop, helping to embed and expand knowledge.

Coaching toolkit

Our toolkit gives line managers a simple framework that makes their vital involvement meaningful and hassle free.

Online learning community

A private learners’ group with access to course materials and a chance to stay in touch and collaborate during the learning journey.

Bespoke to your needs

We work with you to identify and tailor a solution to fit your exact needs.

Designing a workshop and programme that focuses on more than just giving your team the learning they need – it provides opportunities to practise that learning, it engages their line manager in the learning, and it continues the learning outside of the classroom.

This means that the new skill is quickly translated into a change in behaviour and an increase in competence.

What you can expect

You get a 4-week programme that starts off with a workshop.

Over the next 3 weeks, by using learning challenges, in-work activities, and coaching cards for line managers, we help you bridge the gap between learning and competence.

A half-day workshop in week 4 brings all the learning together, gives the chance to consolidate and ask questions, and signposts to ongoing development so your learners can continue to grow, using the tools and skills they’ve learnt.

Example topics

We work with you to identify and tailor the topic to fit your exact needs.

Presentation skills

Communication skills

Assertiveness skills

Essential Management skills

Feedback and Coaching skills

Customer Service and Sales skills

Report writing

Learners at a workshop discussing their training notes with coffee and laptop

Manage your budget

We want to make it easier for you to access professional training, and to find a solution to suit your needs and budget, so we're transparent about our pricing.

Final cost is dependent upon topic, duration, and numbers. Guide price (for 1-day initial workshop, half-day follow-up workshop, plus learning activities, resources and challenges) = £1600

Sounds like something for your company?

Head shot of Gill Leece within a circular frame

About Gill

Gill is a Learning and Development Consultant and director of Learning Curve. She has decades of experience in learning and development in a corporate environment.

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